To decolonize ourselves through education, the wisdom of Native teachers, and deep reflection. We raise awareness in our community of the true history and culture of the Wampanoag people. We take actions that lead to systemic change, centering Indigenous needs and amplifying Indigenous voices.

“The work of decolonizing is in large part in the hands of the colonizers. The work of indigenizing and cultural revitalization is in the hands of indigenous people.”

— Robin Kimmerer


Recognizing the harm caused by the dominant culture, we seek pathways to link our Native and non-Native communities.

We envision the coming together of our communities, and of our different ways of knowing and being in the world, to create needed systemic change through relationships based on trust and respect.

We look towards a shift in consciousness to a more relational and earth-based perspective that values the interdependence of all forms of life. We perceive humanity’s purpose to honor and care for this sacred gift of life.

In the Spotlight

Land Acknowledgement

As inheritors of the “first harm”, the stolen land, we acknowledge that we on Cape Cod are living on the ancestral, unceded, and occupied land of the Wampanoag Nation. For over 12,000 years, land was never owned, never possessed; the people and the land were (and are) one.

We seek ways to heal and repair our relationship with the Wampanoag People and with the land through accountable actions that raise awareness of the taking of the land, institutionalized racism and generational trauma resulting from settler colonization.

We honor the Wampanoags’ resilience and ongoing perseverance to be seen and acknowledged for who they truly are. We are grateful for their knowledge and wisdom that value living in balance with all life, and protecting our earth for future generations.